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  Centurion Consulting Group
  Market and Communicate to Grow Your Business


Strategic Plan

Strategic Plans provide direction for the company during the next few years. Centurion Consulting Group facilitates meetings with executives to assist in developing the Strategic Plan. Defining the vision, mission and goals for the business is an important ingredient for future success.

Business Plan

The Business Plan, which includes the Marketing Plan, provides a company with a comprehensive analysis of the business. The Plan includes three-year projections for cash flow and profit and loss statements. In addition, the Business Plan examines the operations including personnel, staffing, etc. and recommends areas for improvement based on average industry statistics compiled by the Internal Revenue Service and other organizations.

Marketing Plan

Centurion Consulting develops Marketing Plans that provide companies with a blueprint for future growth. We examine the company's drivers and restrainers through discussions with owners, managers, employees, current and former clients and referral sources. We analyze the company's client base and target areas of expansion. We identify a variety of methods to help with business development. We provide clients with a tactical plan of monthly projects that will achieve our client's objectives and grow the business.
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